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BUCS 10m TT Race Report

Updated: May 27, 2022

A great day out for the squad at BUCS 10m TT, thanks again to University of Nottingham cycling for hosting this year!


Here's the race report from our Cycling Coordinator Tasha:

Albert who had a list of excuses prepared prior to the race did super well and finished feeling happy and surprised with how he felt and his time.

Alex and Josh made their way by train, Josh learnt not to trust Alex as a navigator, Alex’s navigational skills also meant he ended up on the course somehow missing the start and rode to the halfway point thinking it was the start, being returned by a marshal and allowed to start at a later time. Both Josh and Alex smashed it too!

Vj set an impressive time on an impressive looking bike which he says he hasn’t spent much time on this year!

Tasha was disappointed with her time, having a few issues on the course including a horses butt and some slow junctions.

That's it for now, big WUCT love as always!

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